Sharing your home with an animal can be a dream or a nightmare. Making sure your animal is well trained will give both of you more time to enjoy each other’s company. My modern training system is full of fun techniques that will give you and your pet a happier life together.
Chris Canine Academy was founded in 2020, and has developed a very special reputation with my customers and their owners in Portland oregon. I believe that being firm and having a clear set of boundaries is one thing, but being fierce is just not necessary.
I don’t believe in shock collars, or that using a leash is the only way to teach an animal discipline. However i will use the safest approch if i have to use a tool as i care about every animal and their well-being.
Dogs, and many other animals, are social animals, who enjoy love and family life. Let’s get them out of the dog house, give them more guidance,love, confidence and turn them into another family member we all need.